Those of you who have a framed canvas painting in your household, first of all congrats on your taste and secondly would be wondering on how to well-take care of this décor item? There are a lot of factors that needs to be addressed in this specific issue but today let us check out the most common problems faced: Keep it Dry: Ensure that the canvas painting is kept in a relatively low humid area. Avoid placing it near the bathroom and basements where the moisture content is tending towards the higher side. If the painting gets damped then there is a chance that print could get damaged. Avoid Chemicals: Now-a-days there exists all sorts of solvents and cleaners in the market, these liquids might get the job done but could permanently damage the print due to their increased chemical concentration level, so avoid such cleaning products and if possible get it cleaned only by an expert in this field. Cleaning Process: How does one actually clean the canvas painting? Try a ...